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Since ancient times, it has been said that only a Shiba Inu with bones is rightful to be leader of the village. But there was no Shiba Inu that actually spot the bone. As such, the story seemed to become a legend and slowly be forgotten from everyone as a rumor, but it was said that bones were actually found deep in the ground.


And disappeared in a blink of an eye. From Shiba Inus who quickly returned to the village as soon as rumors spread, to Shiba Inus who are already working in their places, 10,000 Shiba Inus are traveling to find bones. Who's going to be the boss? (Random number of crowns marked)



In Shiba Inu Village, there has long been ‘Bone’, the guardian of peace. Because no one had to protect the village, Shiba Inus were able to leave the village comfortably to be independent, and they could have different jobs. During peaceful times, unfortunate news broke out. The Bone was stolen! But as busy Shiba Inus can't make time to find it, they needed help of their holders. Gather 10,000 Shiba Inus and take them to the village to keep peace! (If there is an ongoing additional event like LAC, only holders with baby Shiba Inu and Bone NFT will receive random job creation benefits.)

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